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Article Library

Why not enjoy our inspiring range of accessible analysis articles? Available for free here on our website these articles breakdown compositions. Unpacking various pieces, they demonstrate techniques of harmony, counterpoint, melody, rhythm, texture, arrangement/form and orchestration in practice. Helping you to understand musical compositions better, if you’re a student they will put those Bach Chorale exercises into context. Or, if you’re a composer they’ll help you develop the font of knowledge from which your creativity draws, inspiring new ideas while also showing you what you could do with them!

Video Library

Similar to our articles, our videos are freely available on YouTube. Analysing compositions and demonstrating techniques, in 2023 we plan to take our video content in a new direction. Where formerly our videos animated our article content, we intend for our future videos to break down and focus on the components of articles more rigorously. Offering a fresh explanation, extended exploration and additional perspective, we hope they will enhance your experience and the learning you take from our materials.