Revealing and teaching the secrets, tricks and techniques of music composition and analysis

At Any Old Music, we want to make music composition accessible to everyone, no matter what their background or skill level may be. The idea behind our mission is pretty simple: we want to create a world where people can enjoy music composition just as much as we do.

Our Latest Article Publications

We believe that music composition has become more accessible than ever before and that more and more people are starting to discover the joys of writing music – whether they’re trained professionals or self-taught enthusiasts. But we also recognize that there’s still work to be done to make composition even more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Making Mozart Scary Welcome to a journey into the heart of orchestration! In this exclusive video, composer and instructor George Marshall reveals…

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Our Latest & Greatest Video Publications

That’s where we come in. Our goal is to provide resources, support, and inspiration to anyone who wants to get involved in music composition, whether they’re just starting out or have been doing it for years. We want to help people develop their skills and passions, and contribute to a more vibrant and inclusive music community.

Composition Courses

So if you’re interested in music composition, we invite you to join us on this journey. Let’s make music together!

Coming soon.